



当然“布鸡稻”啦~ 都说了这是认知上的不足嘛。^__^

认知(Cognition)就是“认识的能力”、“获取知识的能力”,这包括从这个世界接收讯息,然后把资料储存、运用这些知识,再然后指导我们做决定和执行所做的决定。学生对知识的吸收对技巧的认识本来不是那么难的一件事,而难的在于学生不了解“自己到底是怎样去吸收去认识”的。对自己认知的认知(Cognition about cognition)、对自己思考的思考(Thinking about thinking)、对自己学习的学习(Learning of learning),称之为【後設認知】(Metacognition, 大陆翻译为“元认知”)。简单来说,就是一种对自己认知系统的监控、掌握、调节能力,或者更简单的说:自知之明。



1 後設認知知识(Metacognitive knowledge
2 後設認知经验(Metacognitive experience
前者为一种静态的知识(Offline knowledge)后者是一种动态的知识(Online knowledge



有Graphic Design的学生在Typography科目拿很高分,表现很好。但是一个学期过去了,来到包装设计的时候,反而字体运用与排版变成一团糟,老师叹息,学生也很懊恼。这是一种学习迁移的困难。而后设认知对学习迁移的帮助非常之大。学会了后设认知,就可以更加写意更有意义的去学习了。

2 条评论:

  1. Dear M-Heng, a prolific writer. It's my pleasure to take a stroll through your blog. But, I would like to pinpoint that metacognitition is a very broad and yet contradictorily specific term that most educere and psychologists would probably employ to describe learning. I'm afraid the mention being scripted here requires a few angles before you could point out the issues that might be attributable to metacognition among your students. Well, it's a perplexing statement to adopt 'black-box' as the only approach to describe memory, understanding and appreciation as far as learning is concerned. Not every student can see the phi phenomenon because Gestalt's theory asserts that human minds are prone to construction or/and destruction and the extent strictly lies with individuals. Here, learning personalities arise. Take a low motive student as an exponent, he/she needs more instructions and guidelines in doing things well. Simply because they have a different background from the high motive counterpart. So too their nutritional nourishment, social interaction and informal education. In a plain text, some students require behaviorist classrooms. As to cognitivist teachers, classroom activities are one of the useful approaches to metacognition. The students need to reason out as many as possible the rationales to support their views on certain things. As they check upon their answers, they'll inevitably check upon their fresh knowledge. Knowledge must be integrated so that they can see the whole tree not the leaves. In a language classroom, we always minimize TTT (teacher talk time) and maximize STT (student TT). As they speak, the language elements will start to form nodes, connecting a web of understanding/knowledge. Although Art may sometimes be subjective, but the basics are still perennial. If their Typography was bad, was it the failure of the student metacognition or merely an unfavorable metacognitive process being imparted into your students? It is crucial that the teachers must be benchmarked to international standards at the appropriate levels (primary, secondary and tertiary education) so that the outcomes would not deviate much from the recognized ideal. In English, we put students on scales based on their age. It's not justified to judge a primary student on a TOEFL scale. So, metacognition relies much on the students while metateaching is another serious plague in education.

  2. 非常感激Dr J的指教与分享。 ^__^
